March 2, 2012

"Why Every Calvinist Should be a Premillennialist"

Article: "Why Every Calvinist Should Be a Premillennialist"
John MacArthur
(from a talk given in March 2007)

John MacArthur
-          A Baptist and a 5-point Calvinist
-          Fundamentalist, inerrancy of Scripture
-          In dispensationalist camp, although with some differing views
-          Against Roman Catholics, against ecumenism
-          Cessationist


·         An accurate understanding of the future of Israel is “the cornerstone of biblical eschatology”
o   “The key to eschatology is Judeo-centrism which alone provides the cohesive base for the integration of the various features of biblical prophecy.”
·         Abrahamic and Davidic covenants are yet unfulfilled for Israel
·         God’s promises to Israel are “unilateral unconditional sovereign gracious promises to Israel.” “[T]hey will be fulfilled by an elect people in the future whom God will enable to repent and believe.”
·         The issue is the theology of sovereign election
·         Good points here:
o   “To believe that the church somehow has earned the promises given to Israel because we pulled it off on our own and Israel did not, that kind of thinking is foreign to our understanding of sovereign grace. Do we fail to grasp that we as a church exist only by divine sovereign grace and that we are no more able to believe than the Jews were able on their own to believe?”
o   “The New Covenant is not a reward for their faithfulness, it is given in spite of their unfaithfulness.” 


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